Holistic wellbeing as a precursor for community development

Sexual & Reproductive Health Rights Awareness

Investing in adolescents and youth presents significant potential development and economic gains. Lack of comprehensive, consistent, and accurate information on sexual health amongst many young people is strongly evident in Vihiga County, largely because of the cultural embarrassment, silence and disapproval of open discussion of sexual matters by adults, including parents and teachers.

The lack of comprehensive sexual health information contributes to negative health outcomes, including unintended teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. The HIV prevalence rate in Vihiga is 4.7% against the national figure of 5.6%. The most affected age group is the age bracket of 15-49 years with girls and women being the most affected.

Amazing Grace Center provides support to vulnerable girls by supplying sanitary pads, open access to trained community health workers and offering safe spaces for adolescent youth to interact without judgment. The center upholds core values, sets group norms and expectations, and implements anti-discriminatory policies and trauma-informed processes to ensure open access to clinical support.

In addition, during the school holidays, the center provides access to nutritious snacks and lunch meals through urban gardening projects to improve academic performance and health outcomes.

Girls often skip 4 days of class when they are on their period due to shame and negative stigma. Provide access to menstrual health management resources to ensure girls have confidence when menstruating.

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“In 2017, only around one third to half of the global population was covered by essential health services...Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being is important to building prosperous societies.”

— United Nations report (2020)